Services Offered


“If You Allow Them to Shenan, They Will Definitely Shenanigan”

During our initial consultation we will cover both the guardians’ needs and expectations as well as Odyssey’s goals and expectations.


Dog Walking- offered Monday-Thursday

We will pick your dog up and either walk near your home or go to a dog-friendly area for their exercise.

Drop-in House Visit

We will come to your home for a 30-minute visit. We will spend time with your pet and will, at minimum let them out. 

$150 private lesson- 1-1 ½ hour session


$400 three-week private lessons- (three) 1-1 ½ hour sessions


$675 five-week private lessons- (five) 1-1 ½ hour sessions


$30 refresher session- 1- 1 ½ hour session


All training packages will include the cost of equipment/training tools required. When appropriate, we will go to dog friendly environments to further develop skills and socialization.


All dogs are required to be current on their vaccinations: Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella (nasal or injectable). We highly recommend that all dogs are on a heart worm preventative as well as flea/tick preventatives.


All the above training programs are structured for dogs WITHOUT behavior problems. 

Reactive/Aggressive Behaviors

We are more than willing and able to work with aggressive/reactive dogs, but there are higher rates for dogs with aggression/reactivity challenges to cover the time and additional human resources required. If your dog is assessed as having reactive/aggressive behavior(s), they will be required to be muzzle conditioned and wear a muzzle while we work through the issues. 

The scheduled lesson time periods may not reflect the actual time that will best suit your dog, so we will communicate openly to ensure we are doing what is best for your dog and not hold fast to a set number of minutes. For example, if during the first lesson, your dog muzzle punches the trainer and shuts down, we will work to reschedule another session to continue the training. Dogs with aggression/reactivity do not fit a "stereotypical" curriculum and therefore need some grace to work through their issues.


$250 single private 1- 1 ½ hour lesson for human or dog aggressive/reactive dogs: 


$500 three-week private lessons for human or dog aggressive/reactive dogs


$725 five-week private lessons- (five) 1-1 ½ hour sessions

 Stay and Train (S&T)

The training timeframe will depend on several variables such as the dog's age, goals, previous training, and the dog's response to the training keeping in mind that our first few days will focus mainly on relationship building and discovering your dog's unique characteristics. Although there are no guarantees in training, our S&T clients can expect:

$3150 ($90 per day) five-week

 $2800 ($100 per day) four-week

 $2310 ($110 per day) three-week

Aggressive dog surcharge ranges from $150-$300 per week, depending on the level of care and accommodation necessary (pricing will be discussed at time of consultation).


Animal Assisted Intervention Therapy


All Veterans will receive a 20% discount for services as a small token of our appreciation for your service.