Our Odyssey

Why "The K9 Odyssey"? Why not "Amie's Dream Job" or "Building Better Dogs"? 


An Odyssey is "a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience" (Google search, Oxford Languages); what word better explains our relationships and struggles with our K9s?


When selecting, caring for, or training your dog, we want you to remember that this is a journey that the team at Odyssey is ready, willing, and eager to join along and support you whenever you want or need us to.


The goal of Odyssey K9 is not to "fix" a dog or shame a dog owner; we have all experienced dog behaviors that are maddening but may be a breed-specific trait like Huskies and their endless calling of their people/ howling, and we have all made our fair share of mistakes working with dogs. Remind yourself to "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better" (Maya Angelo); we are here to help you do better for yourselves and your dogs. Enjoy your Odyssey, and remember how blessed we are to have dogs in our lives. 


Our motto, "If You Allow Them to Shenan, They Will Definitely Shenanigan," relates to the significance of dog owners always being consistent; having an off day may feel like an acceptable pass to allow your dog to jump on the couch without an invitation or to ignore the sniffing at the garbage while hoping the lid stays shut. English is not a dog's first language; there's no "reasoning" with your dog as to why the couch is a granted privilege one day, and the next day it is an inappropriate spot to hang out. 


Dogs learn through clear and concise communication, which involves showing or defining through actions what our spoken word means and then consistently using that communication to have actions and consequences as well as praise and rewards. They also need mental stimulation which can be achieved through training and games, and last, but not least, they need physical activity which can also be accomplished through training as well as walking, jogging, agility, etc. We at Odyssey will help you to incorporate these three essential elements to create your positive and effective learning experience.