


The K9 Odyssey Academy will endeavor to create as safe of an environment as possible for the training and care of the dog(s) belonging to the listed guardians, and will offer only sound, safe, and responsible training, care, and post-training instructions. The guardian(s) agrees, however, that all animals may exhibit unpredictable behaviors and that Odyssey will not be liable for the actions of the dog that are outside of its control. The guardian(s) agrees that the recommendation by Odyssey of any product or service is not a guarantee of performance or the guardian’s satisfaction with that product or service.

The guardian(s) agrees to indemnify and hold the owner and employees of Odyssey harmless from and against any claims of injury, expense, costs, loss or damages caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the company while the dog is in the sole custody, care and control of Odyssey. The guardian(s) acknowledges that Odyssey has no control over the dog when the dog is not in the exclusive custody, care, and control of Odyssey and the guardian(s) agrees to indemnify and hold Odyssey harmless from and against any and all claims of injury, expense, costs, loss or damages caused by the actions of the dog when the dog is not in the sole care and control of the company. The guardian(s) also agrees that this dog is suitable for a boarding/training environment, and agrees to be held responsible for damages caused by the dog in the event that the dog proves to be unsuitable for this stay & train environment. Examples of this damage include, but are not limited to; crate damage, facility damage, injury of a person, or other animal.




For the purpose of healthy dogs, we at The K9 Odyssey Academy believe in/that:

Grooming: If a dog comes to The K9 Odyssey Academy that is in such a state that it requires immediate attention (matted hair, filthy ears, excessively long nails, etc.) K9 Odyssey will provide the services during the stay and add the cost of the service to the guardian’s bill (even without prior approval from the client).

Vet Care: If a dog requires vet care while in our possession: We will attempt to contact the guardian(s) and/or alternate emergency contact to inquire how they would like us to proceed. If contact is not able to be made, or contacts are unable to transport the dog to the veterinary office, The K9 Odyssey Academy staff will transport the dog to a veterinary clinic to be treated. The guardian will incur all veterinary expenses and a mileage fee of $0.50/mile to be reimbursed to The K9 Odyssey Academy.





PHOTO/ VIDEO RELEASE (all clients)

I hereby assign and grant to The K9 Odyssey Academy the right and permission to use, reproduce, distribute, and publish the photograph(s), film(s), videotape(s), audio/video recording(s) and electronic representation(s) made of me and/or my dog(s) at any time during the training and/or boarding of my dog(s) by the company and I hereby release the company from any and all liability resulting from such use, reproduction, distribution, and publication. 




Odyssey does not offer refunds. If you decide to cancel your training, or pick up from training early, no refunds will be given. Once a program is paid for, it is non-refundable.  An exception may be made in emergency situations.




I/we agree to follow the guidelines and procedures as outlined in this contract. I understand the terms and consequences if I fail to adhere to said guidelines. I understand the dog & personal releases of liability and training methods of The K9 Odyssey Academy.

Printed Name:____________________________________________________

Date: __________


Phone: ___________________________________         


Printed Name(s):____________________________________________________


Date: __________


Phone: ___________________________________         


Emergency Contact:____________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________________

Alt. Emergency Contact:____________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________________